Fear: Psalm 27:1

Evening shot from the Green Road, Lisburn, County Down
Today, 4th Jan 2021, is for many, the first day of work recommencement after the Christmas and New Year holidays. But it’s also the start to a New Year like no other. As of today, there have been 3,631 coronavirus-related deaths and 187,870 cases of coronavirus reported on the island of Ireland, between Northern Ireland and the Republic. In Scotland, in spite of it being an official New Year Bank Holiday, their parliament has had an emergency recall due to the worsening situation. In the UK, British Prime Minister, Boris Johnston, has made a special TV broadcast to the nation, announcing even stricter measures to try to control the pandemic and save lives.
Instead of a traditional celebration of the old year and an optimistic look forward to the new, many are living in fear of what the future may bring. The Bible has a lot to say about ‘fear’. Most often it’s telling us to Fear Not. In today’s text, the psalmist David, affirms the Lord as his Light, his Salvation, and The Strength of his Life. Therefore, he also had a determination NOT to cave in to fear. Whatever situation you may be facing at the start of this New Year; may you too find ‘light’ as you seek the way forward for 2021; and ‘strength’ to overcome any fear you may be facing.