Because of Ireland’s Christian heritage, it’s not unusual to find an old cross or other relic prominently displayed – like this one at the Square in the village of Castlewellan, County Down.
From 1969, for almost three decades, images from the island of Ireland, and particularly from Northern Ireland, were broadcast around the world to a hungry international media, eager for our latest offering. These were usually images of the latest bombing or scene of a shooting, etc., during a period known as the Troubles in Northern Ireland.
The media ‘image,’ and subsequently a general perception of the country, was of two warring factions, Protestants and Catholics, who hated and wanted to kill each other. But the concentration on our dark side didn’t tell the whole story. Even at the height of the Troubles, good things were also happening which went unreported.
The truth is, this island is a beautiful place full of people of goodwill, and we have a rich Christian and Biblical heritage to share with the world. It may not be Headline News, but we have a spiritual wisdom and rich stories of transformation that can uplift and change people’s lives for the better. Wisdom and Spiritual Truth doesn’t often come with fanfare or in attention grabbing headlines. It doesn’t ‘go with the flow’ or the status quo, but is more often found in serenity and peace and has to be sought and dug out from beneath the surface of what is perceived by the masses.
ScriptureIreland.com displays images from the island of Ireland, north and south, with a superimposed verse or part thereof, from the Holy Bible. The Bible is more than mere words on pages. It is a ‘Living Book,’ which has the power to change us when we allow its Words to penetrate beyond our minds, to our spirits.
As John chapter 6:63 inform us, “The words that I speak to you are ‘spirit’ and they are life.”
John Callister, from Lisburn in Northern Ireland, is its builder, photographer, and webmaster.